Political Empowerment of Women (in Local Government)

Output /Activity | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 |
Outcome-1 (Cap building) | ||||
EWR capacity, confidence built and understanding of the values /practices of representational politics actualized | ||||
Develop and provide training on democracy & representation, emphasizing skills such as communication, negotiation, assertiveness , (social) leadership (UP) | 45 | |||
Develop and provide training on democracy & representation, emphasizing skills such as communication, negotiation, assertiveness , (social) leadership (Upz) | 10 | |||
Develop and provide training on democracy & representation, emphasizing skills such as communication, negotiation, assertiveness , (social) leadership (MPs) | 1 | |||
Develop and provide training on public entitlements (theme-wise starting with I. Primary education, ii. Health water and sanitation, iii. Police and justice, iv. Agriculture ( also v. disaster preparedness /response ( in vulnerable areas) and vi. pilot microfinance and banking) | 15 | |||
Provide on the job coaching/mentoring and accompaniment to support existing training, including encouraging EWR to ensure women's active participation in existing state:civic space such as open budgets, ward assemblies, scrutinizing welfare provision, scrutinizing local services as well as developing ICT skills, competences such as preparation for meetings, tracking progress etc | 185 visits | |||
Facilitate peer to peer (horizontal and vertical) learning and mentoring | 10 visits | 10 visits | ||
Provide user friendly support materials e.g. pocket books, video, self learning tools | 185 sets | |||
Facilitate exposure visits | 1 | |||
Assist EWR in tracking their own progress (e.g. diaries) and EWR Networks to regularly reflect on progress | 2000 diaries | 2000 diaries | 2000 diaries | 2000 diaries |
Potential future EWR(PEWR) identified and nurtured | ||||
Include PEWR in activities above where possible | ||||
Develop campaign pack to assist EWR and PEWR to mount election campaigns | ||||
Electorate and institutional colleagues opinions on EWR contribution to good governance positively influenced | ||||
Encourage pro active and regular engagement by EWR with their constituents (listening and responding) through ward assemblies & other (innovative) means1` | 1665 | 1665 | 1665 | |
Encourage regular linkages between EWR and local service providers ( relationship building) | 60 | 60 | 60 | |
Promote democratic values, social achievements of EWR (building public opinion on advantages of social leadership & accountability to electorate) ( e.g. media, Democracy Fairs) |
1 1 |
1 1 |
1 1 |
Encourage co-operative activities with EMR e.g. joint ward assemblies, joint planning. Identify good practice and publicize. | ||||
EWR engagement with service providers (monitoring and raising voice) for better service provision | ||||
Encourage active participation of EWR in UMMC, thematic Standing Committees (Programme prioritised themes) or similar platforms | 185 | 185 | 185 | |
Encourage regular linkages between EWR and local service providers (relationship building) | 1480 | 1480 | 1480 | |
Encourage EWR to monitor the realisation of key demands made by their constituents of service providers and feedback to their constituents on progress | ||||
EWR networking enhanced | ||||
Facilitate vertical and horizontal networks of EWR, helping them to develop & implement annual plans and track progress, raise voice and provide mutual support | 10 | 10 | 10 | |
Facilitate linkage of WMP with grassroots electorate through EWR networks and NGOs | 10 | 10 | 10 | |
Encourage active participation in APPG and engagement with citizens through the APPG | ||||
Encourage linkages with other networks e.g. MAB, BUFP | ||||
Support EWR networks to organize conferences, issue raising workshops, other events | 10 | 10 | 10 | |
Encourage EWR networks linkage with media e.g. through MMC& others to highlight issues, progress in social leadership, 'out' poor practice | ||||
Share experience in resource mobilization and low cost approaches for good representational practice | ||||
2. Outcome 2 ( LG Advocacy) | ||||
Gender issues in LG reform influenced | ||||
Undertake surveillance of proposed amendments in LG reform | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
Undertake research ( identified by EWR networking) on constraints to active political participation of women | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
Assist EWR Networks to prepare and present position papers with strategic partners to LGD, parliament etc | ||||
Encourage EWR to claim invited spaces ( e.g. law review committees, consultations etc) | ||||
LG issues (especially related to constraints for EWR inclusion/ participation ) and debate raised in public domain to gather wider support for change in legislative framework | ||||
Link with local and national media to highlight issues | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
Promote debate and encourage airing of multiple perspectives (media, workshops, internet) on LG issues | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
Outcome 3 (Support Services) | ||||
KCE Hub is functioning, recognized and used by EWR | ||||
Provide fast response to information and advice requests from EWR through national Helpline | ||||
Promote representational rather than patronage driven politics through media | ||||
Preparation of press releases, press packs | ||||
Arrange workshops, conferences on women in government- sharing within and across programmes of LG | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
Maintain drop-in facility and Information Desk for data on Local Government | ||||
Support EWR Networks and WMP to develop position papers, parliamentary questions on issues emerging from the grassroots (related to local service provision, allocations etc) | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
Conduct research based on EWR determined priorities (evidence basis for advocacy) | ||||
Publish and promote research studies | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
Imp-NGOs and networks of activist volunteers (NAV) have adequate reach, competence , capacity and legitimacy to continue advancing political empowerment after the end of the project | ||||
Identify geographic distribution and appropriate mix of Imp-NGOs/NAV for all working areas to enable continuation (and expansion) | ||||
Support team building | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Provide refresher training/workshops on catalyst /facilitation roles and programme guiding principles | 1 | |||
Share good practice - e.g. coaching/mentoring roles, facilitating EWR-constituency engagement, watchdog functions, EWR-led monitoring, IEC material use etc | ||||
Responsive support provided to emerging theme based EWR networking initiatives | ||||
Encourage EWR networks to reflect on their mandate, location and membership to ensure principles of representation and non partisanship. (Mapping reflection workshops) | ||||
Nurture linkage, development of women's wings of existing LG Associations if needed and have resources to respond to EWR led platform initiatives | ||||
Outcome 0 - Startup | ||||
Map all organizations currently involved in LG capacity building as well as future plans | ||||
Collect all current IEC materials , training modules provided by different organizations, identify gaps |
5 meeting 1 Workshop |
Facilitators selected, oriented and capable | ||||
Orient/train facilitators to programme and their role (3 days orientation training, 3 facilitators per constituency) | 1 | |||
IEC materials ready | ||||
Based on gaps analysis (output 0.1), design IEC materials | ||||
Pilot test and refine IEC materials | ||||
EWR and EWR networks identified and oriented | ||||
Provide orientation to EWR | 15 | |||
Provide orientation to EWR networks |
EWR led monitoring system field tested and ready for roll out | ||||
Orient/train facilitators & EWR on the baseline methodology (developed before programme start) | 10 | |||
Facilitate baseline data collection | 10 | |||
Collate baseline data | ||||
Develop monitoring system , pilot & refine | ||||
Orient facilitators and EWR on monitoring system | 10 | |||
KCE Hub and Helpline started | ||||
Identify & build database of advisors (F-EWR, RM-EWR, RM-EMR, Lawyers Assoc. etc) | ||||
Pilot Hub portal/access and refine | ||||
Review research priorities with EWR networks and develop research plan | 1 | |||
A-NGO capacity strengthened | ||||
Program & financial management training and coaching in innovative EWR-led monitoring | 1 | |||
Orientation to the programme and principles of facilitation, EWR-led approaches & representational politics | 1 | |||
Partnership-building and sharing workshops | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |