Strengthening Local Governance through Enhanced Capacity, Citizen's Participation, Service Delivery and Democratic Governance

Major activities:

1. Organize training and refresher training sessions on Financial Management and Revenue Generation, Service Delivery and Monitoring and Participatory Strategic Planning (PSP) in 80 LGUs

2. Assist 80 pre-budget, 80 open budget and 80 post-budget sessions of selected LGUs

3. Organize orientations for the community of each LGU and formation CPFsbr

4. Organize and facilitate training and refresher training on role for CPFs and prioritization of community concerns for the member of Citizen Participation Forum

5. Facilitate Activity planning and PSP workshop for each CPFs

6. Promote and facilitate citizen's watchdog over LGU and service delivery bodies.

Anticipated benefits:

1. Increased understanding and expanded capacity of selected local governments to deliver services

2. Increased revenue generation by a minimum of 25 percent in target LGUs

3. More transparent and efficient financial management, budgeting and decision making system in place

4. Improvements in the quality and quantity of the essential services

5. Established commonly accepted practice of citizen participation by the LGUs

6. Improved local decision making, strategic planning, budget and development planning